Class-Four।।English।।Model Activity task February 2022।।part-2
Model Activity Task
Full Marks:15
Read the following passage and write any two Proper Nouns and two common Nouns in the table given below: 1x4=4
Akash is a little boy. His sister is Ashima. They have a rabbit. It's name is Pinku. They go to school every day. They are very obedient to their teacher.
Proper Nouns |
Common Nouns |
Proper Nouns |
Common Nouns |
Akash |
Boy |
Pinku |
Teacher |
Write one rhyming word for each of the following words: 1x3=3
(a) loud: Could
(b) Old: Gold
(c) Soon: Moon
Underline and Write the Common Gender and Nature Gender from the sentence given bellow: 2x2=4
The cat is sleeping under the table.
Common Gender: Cat
Nature Gender: Table
Make Sentence with the following words: 2x2=4
(i) broom: My mother clean house with the broom
(ii) could: The sky is covering with could.
Class (IV ) All Lesson -
<< English>>
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